I get asked this question quite regularly and it actually makes me quite sad! The parent is usually asking me through frustration and a touch of panic. They’re wondering why they cannot get their younger teenager to study. To understand what the parent means by...
I am currently working with a client who has just finished her first year in university but wants to drop out of her course. She is very intelligent and doesn’t have to work that hard to get good marks. She was encouraged to choose a course that had high points to...
When I was a teenager leaving school, we had few options to get qualifications but this is changing with the recent introduction of Tertiary Degrees. Back then, we could go to university to study for a degree or an RTC (Regional Technical College) to do a ‘Cert’ or a...
Recently, I came across a report regarding the college drop out rate. It’s a scary topic that parents may not want to think about it but it is worth giving it some consideration. First of all let’s try to prevent it and secondly in the future, if it comes to your...
A client recently told me that she only gets shown traditional careers by her career guidance teacher, but she would love to take a look at more modern courses on offer. She is excited about what can happen these days with modern technology, particularly when it come...
And so, here we are at Leaving Cert results day! After all the work your teenager has put in to get to this point, parents should take a step back and not only be proud of their teenager but also of yourselves. You have spent the last 18 or so years guiding your...